Nutrition Sessions
for cats & dogs
I can work directly with you, to help you become your pet’s advocate.
Or I can work with your vet as part of your unified healthcare team.
Sessions are available by phone, Zoom, or in-person at Veterinary Holistic Center.
An integrative approach towards health and wellness.
Does your cat struggle with urinary disease? Tired of your dog’s on-going skin disorders? Have a new kitten or puppy? Frustrated with food pickiness or chronic GI issues? These and more can be signs of food intolerances, ingredient allergies, or nutrient deficiencies. Maybe your pet has been diagnosed with a chronic or life-threatening disease? Nutrition is medicine and can be used therapeutically to support your pet.
It’s not what our pets can eat, but what we should be feeding. Their diet is the foundation for health and longevity, and you want the best diet for your companion. However, what is best for one dog or cat, may not be appropriate for yours.
With a range of health and diet consultations, we can delve into everything that’s impacting your cat or dog: diet, environment, and lifestyle. But, because what you choose to put in your pet’s food bowl is the most important decision of their care, this is where I suggest we start. We can explore natural therapies, including herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, flower essences, and more, but with diet changes we can significantly improve the desired outcomes.
Food Recommendations
Steve’s Real Food
Fresh, Raw Pet Food Delivery
A raw pet food diet has never been exposed to any type of heat whether it be steaming, baking, slow cooking, or sous vide. When heat is introduced the food starts to loose its nutritional effectiveness. The first to go are enzymes, and then nutrient degradation. Get Steve’s raw dog food and Quest raw cat food delivered to your home!
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